Boat Trailering Video Series: Expert Advice

There are good things and bad things to say about boat trailering. For people who are used to it and have their systems down, the good far outweighs the bad. For those who are inexperienced or lazy about maintenance, trailering can lead to hard knocks, and after a couple of those, their boats tend to stay in the driveway.

Don't hug the corners -- leave extra room for the boat to swing in behind you. It gets easier with practice. Photo courtesy of <A HREF="">Paul Cronin Studios</a>
Don’t hug the corners — leave extra room for the boat to swing in behind you. It gets easier with practice. Photo courtesy of Paul Cronin Studios.

But let’s dwell on the dedicated, experienced trailer-boaters. The world is their oyster. Many can keep and maintain their boats at home. It’s cheap – no, wait, it’s free – and they have all the conveniences of workshop and kitchen right at hand. Others can store their boats at low cost in boatyards near home, or near the waters they usually ply.

Being able to transport your boat by road means you can get to distant lakes, rivers, and coastlines to do some fishing or wake-surfing, or just explore a new area. All you need is the boat, a trailer, a launching ramp, and a tow vehicle to make it all happen.

So, if you’re new to trailering, or you’re already set up but are a little gun-shy, what can you do to become a competent road warrior? Nothing beats experience, but it always helps to get as much expert advice as you can. Lenny Rudow, our colleague over at, has plenty of experience. If he ever had any qualms about trailering, they were long ago erased by his lifelong quest for fish and fowl for the table. He’s hosting a new boat towing series — feature articles and videos — sponsored by Ram trucks, and the first installments are online:  Safety Tips for Towing a Boat, then  How to Tow Hunting Boats (which focuses mostly on how to handle a truck and trailer in sandy or muddy conditions), Towing in Mountainous Terrain, and What to Look for in a Tow Vehicle.

Have a look at the safety tips video below and stay tuned to for more in Lenny’s series.

There’s plenty of trailering advice here at Boat Trader, too. Before you get to the water, read:

Five Tips for Ramp Launching

Trailer Smarts: Road and Ramp

Boat Launching Basics: Launch and Load


Written by: Doug Logan

Doug Logan has been a senior editor of since 2010. He's a former editor-in-chief of Practical Sailor, managing editor and technical editor of Sailing World, webmaster for Sailing World and Cruising World, contributing editor to Powerboat Reports, and the editor of dozens of books about boats, boat gear, and the sea.
